

For the Future of Catholic Schools

Featured Resources

UVP Tool: Why Choose Our School?

A simple guide (PDF) to exploring and formulating a Unique Value Proposition (UVP) for your school.

Effective Boards Presentation

An abbreviated overview (PDF) of effective Boards of Specified Jurisdiction. Covers the difference between a Board of Specified Jurisdiction and an Advisory Board, operating principles, roles and responsibilities and cycle of meetings. Contact your Healey Director of Schools or email for the PowerPoint deck.

UVP Sample

The Unique Value Proposition (UVP) Tool populated with features, benefits and competitive advantages of a fictitious school. Serves as a "how to" learning aid (PDF).

School Board Self-Evaluation

A survey (PDF) for the Board of Specified Jurisdiction to use in its self-assessment. If you’d like assistance creating an online version of this assessment, contact Megan at

Committee Chairs Position Descriptions

An overview of the Catholic school Committee Chair roles on a Board of Specified Jurisdiction. Covers roles and responsibilities of the Finance, Development, Enrollment, Facilities and Governance Committee Chairs.

Committee Chair Interview Questions

In-person interview questions to use when screening potential new Committee Chairs for the school's Board of Specified Jurisdiction. Includes questions when interviewing for Finance, Development, Enrollment and Facilities Committees as well as for the role of Board Vice-Chair.

Board Member Nomination Form

A two-page submission form to use when recommending a potential new member of the school's Board of Specified Jurisdiction.

Board Member Interview Questions

In-person interview questions to use when screening potential new members for the school's Board of Specified Jurisdiction.

Board Chair Position Description

An overview of the Catholic school Board Chair serving on a Board of Specified Jurisdiction. Covers roles and responsibilities of this key leader, delegator, motivator and strategist.

Serving Catholic Schools with CARES Act Funding

From the National Catholic Educational Association (NCEA) Webinars series, this overview focuses on the Education Stabilization Fund (ESF) provisions of the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES Act): the Governor's Emergency Education Relief (GEER) Fund and the Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) Fund. It features the 12 allowable benefits and services plus ways that Catholic schools can take proactive steps during consultation. The presentation was delivered by Jennifer Daniels, Associate Director for Public Policy USCCB, Secretariat for Catholic Education and Dale McDonald, PBVM, PhD, Director of Public Policy NCEA.

Managing Governance Change in PreK-12 Catholic Schools

A study examining the change process in PreK-12 Catholic schools to guide leaders on determining when a change in governance is necessary, what alternative models are suitable for their contexts, and how best to manage the change process. Published in 2020, this qualitative research study reveals common themes, concerns and best practices identified through interviews with more than 65 leaders in eight dioceses of varying demographics. The report by Foundations and Donors Interested in Catholic Activities (FADICA) was made possible through the support of philanthropic organizations, including the Healey Education Foundation.

Boards of Specified Jurisdiction | An Overview

An overview of effective, lay-empowered boards For the Future of Catholic Schools.