Delight and Distinction for #CSW20
Happy Catholic Schools Week to the more than 90 schools we’ve worked with over the years! We feel the amazing energy during our school visits and love the storytelling on social media. The Science Fairs and Olympiads. Community Service Days. Teachers of the Year and Former Teacher winners. School Masses, Vocations Days and Religion Bees. Visits from families, friends and a senator alum. Chinese New Year festivities. PJ, Wacky Tacky and Messy Hair Days.
We’re thrilled about the Goal-busting Days of Giving. Three such events yielded record highs along with big thanks from St. Mary Magdalen School (Wilmington, DE), big thanks from Notre Dame Academy (Minnetonka, MN) and news coverage for St. John Catholic School (Westminster, MD). Congrats to all schools for your community building and results!
Here are just a few #CSW20 reports during this time of education and celebration:

Saints Peter and Paul School (West Chester, PA) on STREAM Day for Catholic Schools Week: “Sixth graders design and build aqueducts for an an ancient city in Rome. Each ‘company’ was given $500 play money to buy materials for their aqueduct. Today they made their design and tomorrow in the MECI they will build their Roman aqueduct #SSPPMECI #wearesspp” Facebook Post | Facebook Page
Another great day of success on this Catholic Schools Week! Our students packed over 200 care bags for our troops. #Lion4Life #CSW2020 ❤️??
— Cardinal O’Hara (@cardinalohara) January 30, 2020

Mission Grammar School (Roxbury, MA): “Happy Catholic Schools Week from all of us at @missiongrammarschool! We kicked it off at #MissionChurch with scholars, families and teachers celebrating the work of Catholic Education???? Stay tuned for celebrations through the week! #livingthegospel #ontheroadtocollege @csoboston @nceaorg @bostoncathsupt @icsfboston” Facebook Post | Facebook Page

All Saints Catholic School (Wilmington, DE) celebrating the second day of Catholic Schools Week: “So far this week, students have enjoyed The Cardboard Challenge, brought in items for St. Catherine’s sister Preschool in Gulu, and this morning, are enjoying a fascinating DelDot STEM presentation! We’ve learned there are 600,000 bridges in the United States and 1,700 in DE! In about 3 hours, we’ll begin our Day of Giving appeals!” Facebook Post | Facebook Page

St. Anne School (Bethlehem, PA): “a galaxy all its own! Celebrating Catholic Schools week with our Best Mission Commander Ever–our Principal Mrs. Bentz, our teachers and students! Learning about space–all year, and celebrating our school family. All Are Welcome. Call 610-868-4182. Tour Today!” Facebook Post | Facebook Page
Yesterday’s activities for #CSW2020 were a bunch of fun! We had Pajama day, tasted the rainbow of fruits and veggies and also had BuddyBingo! Our preschoolers sure seemed to enjoy themselves ✝️ @olacdonovan @BostonCathSupt @CSOboston
— Katharine Mehos (@miss_mehos) January 29, 2020

St. Joseph Catholic STEM School (Waconia, MN): “During Catholic Schools week we celebrate community. Students are paired with an older buddy and they rotate to three stations together. They eat lunch together, enjoy games for recess time, and make valentines for local residents. Students are already asking for the next buddy day before it’s even over! #gosjsaints, #csw20” Facebook Post | Facebook Page
What a fabulous Breakfast gathering for our parents today as they visited classrooms and saw their students in action! Welcome to our kick off for Catholic Schools Week @thedean56 @CSOboston #CatholicSchoolsWeek
— St Mary’s Brookline (@thedean56) January 27, 2020