Schools Reach 86%-99% Re-Registration by Close of #CSW19
Eight current Foundation partner schools delivered on the challenge to meet or exceed the goal of 85% re-registration by the close of Catholic Schools Week. Confirming strong student retention by this point in the school year increases their chances of reaching or exceeding their enrollment goal for the 2019-20 school year.

Fun at St. Francis de Sales Catholic School (Salisbury, MD) as students slime Principal Debra Traum during their No Uniform Today (N.U.T.) celebratory event for meeting the #CSW19 Re-Registration Challenge
The winning schools are:
- All Saints Catholic School (Wilmington, DE) 92%
- Community of Saints Regional Catholic School (West St. Paul, MN) 99%
- Immaculate Conception School (Elkton, MD) 86%
- Notre Dame Academy (Minnetonka, MN) 86%
- St. Alphonsus Catholic School (Brooklyn Center, MN) 86%
- St. Dominic School (Northfield, MN) 95%
- St. Francis de Sales Catholic School (Salisbury, MD) 87%
- St. Mary Magdalen School (Wilmington, DE) 95%
Promoting with Pride, Creativity and Joy

Students at Notre Dame Academy (Minnetonka, MN) enjoy Jersey Day during #CSW19
At St. Francis de Sales Catholic School, the students designed the competition to meet or exceed 85% re-registration by the close of Catholic Schools Week. The prize for meeting their goal: the entire school slimed Debra Traum, Principal, during their fun-filled No Uniform Today (N.U.T.) event. The 5th Grade class blasted Mrs. Traum with confetti poppers to celebrate their having returned the most signed contracts!
Notre Dame Academy began with Tour Sunday, featuring a community-wide Pancake Breakfast, Open House and Mad Science Show, and wrapped up with Blizzard Bingo following Saturday Night Mass. The school also planned and launched its first ever Day of Giving. Rise Up for the Fine Arts raised $10,150 in 24 hours with 39 gifts ranging from $10 to $2,500.
Celebrating Alumni Schools
Healey Education Foundation also heard from alumni schools during Catholic Schools Week.
Among the schools’ events, service projects and advancement efforts:
- Christ the King School (Haddonfield, NJ) represented the Diocese of Camden at the New Jersey State House to share its many green initiatives and demonstrate how Catholic Schools Care for God’s Planet.
- Mater Dei Catholic School (Lansdale, PA) shared its full roster of Catholic Schools Week activities and celebrations.
- Services projects at Our Lady of Hope Regional School (Blackwood, NJ) included: 100 pasta casseroles prepared and distributed to families in need (a traditional Middle School project), Valentine bags for a local nursing home, 250 cans of “Soup-er Bowl” soup for the St. Vincent de Paul Food Pantry and gently-used clothing donations to a local shelter.
- Our Lady of Mercy Regional Catholic School (Maple Glen, PA) held STEM Day challenges pairing Grade 1-3 students with their Grade 4-8 prayer partners. Their goals were to build the tallest and sturdiest towers out of paper cups and craft sticks and to test air-powered cars created with straws, lifesavers and balloons.
- Students, faculty and staff of Sacred Heart School (West Reading, PA) collected more than 1,500 nonperishable food items for the hungry.
- St. Anne School (Bethlehem, PA) promoted early re-registration before and during Catholic Schools Week, celebrating each day as the number climbed to 96% by Friday.
- Third and sixth graders at St. John the Evangelist School (Hydes, MD) worked together on a service project, making Valentine cards for seniors in the neighborhood retirement community.
- During a school-wide service day, St. Mary School (Vineland, NJ) PK3-8 grade students made goodie bags for the women’s shelter, toiletry bags and paper flowers for nursing home residents and personalized cards to veterans and marine recruits. They also held a collection for Spirit & Truth Ministries.