ESSA: Title Funding for Your School

September 26, 2017

How are you using increased Title funding for your school available through the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA)? Laura Lang, Healey Director of Schools, returned from the 2017 Equitable Services Institute with lots of ideas, plus a list of priorities and resources.

Thanks to Michelle Doyle Educational Consulting, LLC ( and Catapult Learning for sharing information and insight on navigating the changes brought on by ESSA.     

An ESSA Overview

ESSA – the new federal K-12 law, ensures that every student has access to the support and services he/she needs, regardless of zip code.

ESSA affects all Title programs:

  • Title I – Improving the Academic Achievement of the Struggling Learner
  • Title II – Preparing, Training & Recruiting High Quality Teachers, Principals and School Leaders
  • Title III – Language Instruction for English Language Learners
  • Title IV – 21st Century Schools

What’s New?

  • To understand the changes being implemented for the 2017-18 academic year, see Catapult Learning’s Summary of Changes One Pager. These changes provide more funding for private schools in most school districts.
  • The new law requires each state to appoint an ombudsman to serve as your liaison. See the Office of Innovation & Improvement Ombudsman Directory and get to know yours.
  • You may have already had your consultation with your Local Educational Agency (LEA); however, you are entitled to request additional meetings. Make sure to review the Consultation Checklist.
  • Also see the Ombudsman Toolkit available through the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. The document features a list of questions that can help private school advocates craft their plans for approaching state officials, designing the ombudsman role, and ensuring the ombudsman is a neutral third-party.
  • For another list of resources – including suggestions for using these additional funds – see ESSA is Here: Where Are You? / Catholic School Matters, September 17, 2017.